Thursday, July 8, 2010

30 before 30

i previously made a list of things i wanted to do before i die. well, since i have a hard enough time with one day's worth of goals, i think that list is slightly overwhelming (side note: can something just 'whelm' you, or does it always have to 'overwhelm'?).

instead, i think 8 months is plenty of time to complete 30 things before i'm 30 (march 17).  Geeeeesh.. how did i get so old so fast?  (my good friend just reminded me of the country song 'raspberry wine' and one of the lines that says 'i remember when 30 was old' and how we both truly believed that 30 was the end! if i'd only known how great these years actually are.) 

with that said, here is my list of 30 things i want to do (or want to quit doing) before i'm 30 (in  no particular order). drumroll, please!:

1. weigh 140 again (or less)
2. run 6 miles (consecutively)
3. get engaged (please, dear lord!)
4. go to Napa Valley (is this cheating since it's already planned?)
5. wash and moisturize my face EVERY NIGHT
6. go to a casino and actually bet money
7. go to a drive-in movie
8. teach London to 'shake'
9. volunteer on the board of a non-profit
10. move my 401K money to a safer spot (it's still with my old job!)
11. learn how to dive
12. donate blood (without passing out - 2 times this has happened)
13. create a cornball scrapbook of Chris and Morgan memories
14. learn how to fold a fitted sheet
15. make Chris teach me how to golf
16. put all sweaters in storage containers
17. send out Christmas cards
18. get my NASTY car detailed
19. paint chris' back bedroom
20. refinish a piece of furniture
21. make Hartley something she can actually use (everything's too big or too small)
22. get bangs
23. find a new home for my cat, possum (if #3 happens, this is top priority)
24. create enough handmade items to...(#25)
25. open an Etsy store
26. learn how to etch glass
27. make something out of oilcloth
28. take a class at either MAKE or CITYCRAFT
29. read a non-fiction book
30. learn to play something on xbox


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